Monday, October 27, 2014

A Patapsco Bow Hunt

After working 10 hour days for 2 weeks straight I was happy to finally get the hotel shut down, packed up and ready for construction. Also I finally managed a whole weekend off for the first time in a couple months. My nephew joined me for an Saturday hunt on Patapsco Valley State Park land. We arrive early for our long walks to our respective spots. I finally got my out of shape ass to my spot about the time light was first filling the woods. I figured it would take me awhile to get there but I did not allow near enough time to get there and get set up before first light. I was going to be hunting out of my new pop up blind for the first time and I new it would take awhile to get set up.When I arrive I could already here deer moving through the hollow so I ditch the blind and  moved to the edge of the hill and set my blind chair up between to trees for cover. I knocked an arrow just as four does came into view they were all at 60 yards and moving on the opposite side of the cut and out of range. Then I caught a glance of  brown on my side of the hill, I could only see the body through the brush but I knew it was a shooter with a nice body size. I drew and waited for the deer to clear the brush. When it finally did I thought it was another big doe I released my arrow and Twack! I new from the sound I made a solid hit but as the deer bolted up hill I caught a flash of antler. My doe ended up being a scrub rack 3 pointer maybe 2 or 3 years old and dressed a nice 110 pounds.  My nephew sent me a text just after I shot saying he had one down. He hadn't made the best shot so he found me and helped me drag my deer the 100 yards to the field where we could put him on a cart. The drag about killed me. I am really out of shape. We still had to track his deer and get them both the half mile or more to the car through an uncut field. Thankfully his deer was significantly smaller than mine and with the help of the youngster I managed to get back to the Truck. I need to start doing some cardio. It was great not only getting out with family to do something we love but to both get deer about the same time of the morning I couldn't have asked for a better out come and yes I am still getting ribbed about being out of shape and an old man which I told him I'm not old  yet I'm still in my 30s at least for another year. I would have figured between all the paddling I do and walking in the city I might have had an easier time but I guess walking on flat concrete and uneven dirt are two different things. I gonna make it a priority to go on more hikes this winter.