Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hmm I dont feel old

There was a time in my life that I thought 40 was old and that I wouldn't live that long anyway. But I made it and I don't feel old. Given the ole body don't work like it once did but hey its got a lot of miles and there are reasons I didn't think I would live this long. But I have no regrets and it has been a fun ride so far. I'm still Livin The Dream...

Monday, October 26, 2015

Deer and Fish 1 me 0

 Its always hard this time of year deciding what to do with my days off .(I know problems right). Autumn is my favorite time of year to be in the woods with a bow in my hand. Deer in the area showing some pre rut signs making it all more enticing. It is also the time of the year that big striped bass migrate back up the bay and a great time to be on the water. The weather always being a factor to add into the decision I checked the latest reports and with Saturday being the only weekend day to hunt ( no Sunday hunting here at least on public land ) Sunday would be my fishing day. Hunt day would be perfect with a cool crisp morning and winds out of the north making my favorite stand viable and no rain. I loaded up at 430 am, picked my nephew up and we headed to Patapsco State Park land for a morning white tail hunt. In our stand s before sunup anticipating a lot of activity as the sun rose, the squirrels began to move, raccoons would make there way back home and birds began to dash about but the deer never showed. We stayed on stand until 11:30 and with no sign of deer decided to pack it in. My nephew had plans for the evening so I decided to call it a day and not hunt the evening figuring I could get my gardens cleaned up and have Sunday to fish.
view from above

Ryan heading out

looks alot easier to get across than it was
   Sundays forecast was for rain and wind in the morning with sun appearing by after noon so I decided to get some chores done inside and go out in the evening. Chores done and a small delay with someone coming to look at a car I have for sale I manged to launch around 2 pm. I would be fishing the incoming tide which is always my favorite for the area I was fishing. The winds were brutal out of the north west pushing 3 foot wave in unprotected area. It was hard to fish where I wanted and the areas that were protected were not producing I had a few knock downs but never hooked up. I didn't bring along any other gear except for trolling rigs so I would have to head in with a giant skunk. Not the productive outings I had hoped for but I cant think of better way to spend a weekend.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Summer 15 in pictures

Mr Ceasar

early firewood preps

the $60 craigslist smoker 

18 foot simmons sea skiff and my kayak gonna build one eventually

no room for shoes built some corn hole boards

loaded for Potomac trip

Potomac floating

nice smallie SS

Brisket for the 4th

Potomac lunch
1st crabbing trip

Loaded like the least deadliest catch

Big eye trip on the Edge Rider


dam blue fish

CBKA tourney

Summers ending but theres always Oktoberfest

Late season maonster

another newbie

free craiglist find